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Ann Teed

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Reading for Role of Art Education 9/5

Please read and share your comments about Eisner's view on the arts. We will discuss your blog contribution next week 9/5.

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  1. I really enjoyed this article. This article was very interesting to me, being an art education major. While reading, I kept relating points the author made to my own life and experience in school throughout the years.

    "5. Education can learn from the arts that slowing down perception is the most promising way to see what is actually there."
    I, too believe, in slowing things down and taking a step back to view things. For example, some of the most famous artists (Picasso, Monet, Renoir, etc.) took years and years to complete a work of art. They took their time and slowed down the process. They weren't just creating a work of art to finish it, they were creating art from what they felt and with patience. Teachers these days tend to speed up lessons in order to teach information in time for a test. I've had plenty of teachers over the years who have done this. I found this to be difficult. Not only did I not fully understand the information, but I was frustrated that I was being taught important information in a way that came off as non-important. If teachers took their time and slowed down, I believe that students would "see what is actually there."

    "8. Education can learn from the arts that open-ended tasks permit the exercise of imagination, and the exercise of imagination is one of the most important of human aptitudes. It is imagination, not necessity, that is the mother of invention."
    Imagination is so important. Artists are artists because they are so imaginative. Education needs to promote the use of imagination. It is with imagination that we do wonderful things. I really liked this quote from the article: "We ought to be helping our students discover new seas upon which to sail rather than old ports at which to dock." Teachers need to come up with new ideas in which to teach and the way in which they can do this is to use their imaginations and be creative.

    Art and education combined together will create a better education system and better students.

  2. Learn from "What Education Can Learn From the Arts".

    Mengqi Huang

    I do agree with most of the ideas from this paper.

    First of all, “form and content cannot be separated and everything is interacts”.
    There is a Chinese old saying: Everything is related to each other and to be as other things cause and effect. For me, two ideas are the same; even they are same with a very famous theory: The Butterfly Effect. With the high speed development of science and technology, independent person, even families and countries, get involved into society lives, and some times people feel difficult to avoid it. Now days, Chinese call the earth as “the village”. From other side to prove that if the old Chinese saying is true, the speed that we got involve in everything is easier, quicker and stronger. That means some people really cannot separate “form and contents”, as far as to education with arts.

    Secondly, nuance matters, not only people’s perception but also cognition.
    Musicians “Live in their nuances”. Same are scientists, one wrong step of the test can lead totally different results. Biologist need use their knowledge and sense to try different way to find out what is DNA and how does it looks like. If people don’t care about perception and cognition, how can we survive during Primitive Society? Who tell them to eat, sleep, breeding, and how could they know to draw pictures on the stone even how could they learn? They need observation, listening, simulation. This may be the fountainhead of art, music, and dance. For me, arts are the same meaning to me of what Maslow's hierarchy of needs’ foundation need to Maslow.

    Last but not least, “Education can learn from the arts that somatic experience is one of the most important indicators that someone has gotten it right.” and “open-ended tasks permit the exercise of imagination”
    Hieroglyphologist is one of Old Chinese civilization, which people use body language and painting to tell offspring how to learn and develop from. Even now we can tell similar among body language, old word, and now the word we use.

    I love dance, I love arts. You can learn everything from your love. For example, we can learn how to begin, how to improve, how to continue and develop. Are not they are everything as a human? To begin, improve, continue and develop ourselves. For me, they are. I do agree with that education can learn from arts.

  3. I enjoyed reading this article because it broke down the arts in such an interesting way. Today, schools are so focused on other subject areas that they believe are more important, or more critical when it comes to testing. The arts have been forgotten or pushed aside. This article shows us just how important the arts are and also how they compare to all other subjects, tying in all the essential lessons students should learn. All subjects can be tied into art and it is an excellent way to engage children.

    My favorite section of the article was:
    7. Education can learn from the arts that somatic experience is one of the most important indicators that someone has gotten it right.

    I really like how the author shared this lesson with us. Hands on and real life experiences are the ones we will always remember. This is something that really can be brought to life with the arts. Another important aspect of this lesson is knowing what it means to truly understand something. If we are able to teach someone else something or explain our way of thinking, we have mastered that concept. This is something that applies to all subjects.

  4. The article makes some interesting points about the importance of arts in schools and what we can learn from the arts. It explains how education has been measured through quantity and not by quality. We are so concerned with numbers and percentages from standardized test scores, children are not being taught how to think. The arts help children to think critically. The article put it so well. The details to get to the final product are just as important as the product itself. Students sitting in an art class might all be drawing a mug, but everyone is going to create that mug differently.
    We need to teach our students think for themselves, and to observe the details around them in order to progress as a society. If we continue to educate our students to the test, we are going to lose the great thinkers of tomorrow who have the cures to diseases, who create new technological advances etc. We cannot have these scientific advances without having people that think critically and creatively. The process on how we create in any way is just as important as the conclusion.
